Harinezumi no Luchika Picture Books Get Short Anime

 New short is part of Kodansha's "Animehon" project adapting picture books into commercials, short anime

Kodansha launched a new project named "Animehon" on Friday that aims to adapt Japanese picture books ("e-hon") into animated commercials or web shorts. The first installment of the project is a three-minute short anime adaptation of writer Yūko Kanno and illustrator Yōko Kitami's Harinezumi no Luchika (Luchika the Hedgehog) picture book series.

Image via Comic Natalie

The anime partially adapts the first story in the picture book series. Minami Shinoda voices Luchika, while Fukuko Yukimiyama voices Soru. Kakeru Hota narrates the short. Masanori Numaguchi directed the short at Fanworks.

Source: Comic Natalie

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